Challenges and opportunities in the production and use of biomethane


We’re thrilled to invite you to the webinar: Challenges and Opportunities in the Production and use of Biomethane”, organized by Cetaqua.

The webinar will take place November 15th, 2023 highlighting two main events:

  • Webinar: 09:00 to 12.00 CET webinar (in-person & online),
  • Visit to the biomethane generation plant at the Baix Llobregat WWTP 00-14.00 CET (in-person)

SEMPRE BIO, a project fostering circular economy in Europe will participate as one of the speakers. Additionally, the webinar will provide insights from the biomethane industry, following the below mentioned agenda:

What to Expect:

  • 09:00h – 09:10h: Welcome
  • 09:10h – 9:30h: Opening (Bioenergy Cluster of Catalonia)
  • 9:30h –  10:45h: Transforming waste into energy. Success stories:
    • Proyecto upgrading Baix Llobregat (Aigües de Barcelona)
    • LIFE Nimbus
    • La Galera
  • 10:45h – 11:00h: Coffee Break
  • 11:00h – 11:45h: Round Table: Challenges and opportunities in the production and use of biomethane.
    • Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona (TMB)
    • Institut Català d’Energia (ICAEN)
    • Naturgy
    • Biometagás
    • Veolia España
    • Clúster de Bioenergia de Catalunya (CBC)
  • 11:45h – 12:00h: Conclusions and Closing.
  • 12:00h – 14:00h: Transport and technical visit to the LIFE Nimbus biomethane generation plant at the Baix Llobregat WWTP.

This is a unique opportunity to be part of the conversation that could shape the future of energy. Don’t miss out on learning, engaging, and becoming inspired. 

Mark your calendar and register here! If you register to attend online, you’ll receive an email the day before with the link to be able to access the event, so don’t forget to check your email!

Let’s make a greener, cleaner more sustainable world together!

This project has received funding from the European Union’s HORIZON-CL5-2021-D3-03-16 program under grant agreement No 101084297. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. 

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