Mapping CO2 Valorisation Initiatives Across Europe
A Comprehensive Guide to Carbon Utilization Projects and Innovations Across Europe
The Map
Reflecting the status as of October 2023 and is updated regularly
Do you have another project that you would like to see on the map?
Then get in touch with us: Velina Denysenko (e-mail:, tel. +49 341 24 34 394)
A.F. Bioenergie, 2021; Apsley Farms, 2023; ArgoviaToday, 2023; Association d'Initiatives Locales pour l'Energie et l'Environnement, 2021; baden online, 2015; Baraldo Costruzioni, 2023a; Biogas-E, 2018; BiogasWipptal, 2023; Bioman, 2023; Biovalue, 2023b; Bright Renewables, 2018; Bright Renewables, 2023b; Bright Renewables, 2023c; Bright Renewables, 2023d; Carbon Capture Scotland Limited, 2022; Cavac, 2021; Caviro Extra, 2023; Commune di Reggio Emilia, 2023; Consorzio Biogas, 2020; Cordis, 2023; Cryo Pur, 2017; Cryo Pur, 2023; DBFZ survey of 4 Horizon Europe projects on biomethane, 2023; DBFZ survey of German biomethane plant operators, 2023; den Heijer, N.; Coenradie, A., 2017; Dumont, 2015; EcoFuels, 2023; EE News, 2013; Electrochaea, 2023; energie bewegt Winterthur, 2023; Energie Expertisecentrum Flevoland, 2023; Enomondo, 2023; EnviTec Biogas, 2023a; EnviTec Biogas, 2023b; Esposito et al., 2019; European Biogas Association, 2023; Farmers Weekly, 2023; Flevozine, 2017; Forest Heath District Council, 2015; FreshPlaza, 2022; Gasworld, 2014; Hitachi Zosen INOVA, 2022b; Hitachi Zosen Inova, 2023a; Hy2gen, 2023; Hydrogen24, 2022; IEA Bioenergy Task 37, 2017; IEA Bioenergy Task 37, 2020; IEA Bioenergy Task 44, 2021; Iren, 2023; Landbouw- en Biogasbedrijf Kloosterman, 2023; Limeco, 2022; Limeco, 2023; Malmberg, 2023; Material Change, 2023a; Material Change, 2023b; Miimosa, 2023; Mikunda et al., 2015; Money Controller, 2022; Nippon Gases, 2022; Nippon Gases, 2023; nordfuel, 2023; Nordsol, 2023a; Novamont, 2020; Østfoldforskning, 2020; Pentair, 2014; Pentair, 2016; Pentair, 2017; Pentair, 2020; Pentair, 2022a; Pentair, 2022b; Pentair, 2023; Peters Biogas, 2023; PFI Biotechnology, 2023; Probiotec GmbH, 2021; Process Industry Informer, 2022; Quotidiano Piemontese, 2022; Reklima, 2023; Renevo, 2022b; Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland, 2010; Ruhe Biogas, 2023; Schlautmann et al., 2021; Società Chimica Italiana, 2022; Spee, 2016; Store and Go, 2019; Sustainable Bourne Valley, 2023; Sustainable Fuel Plant, 2023a; Swisspower, 2019; Swisspower, 2022; The Herald, 2021; Thyssengas, 2021; top agrar, 2023; Vale Green Energy, 2023a; Vale Green Energy, 2023b; Verdemobil Biogaz, 2023a; Wabico, 2022; Waternet, 2023; World Biogas Association, 2020

This project has received funding from the European Union’s HORIZON-CL5-2021-D3-03-16 program under grant agreement No 101084297. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.