Breaking Barriers for the Future of Biomethane

Breaking Barriers for the Future of Biomethane Legal Insights, Market Trends, and Cutting-Edge Technologies in Biomethane Production Introduction SEMPRE-BIO, along with other Horizon Europe-funded projects focused on biomethane production, is conducting an yearly analysis of the legal framework conditions of biomethane production and its market uptake. This includes guidelines and recommendations for policymakers, an overview of legislation related to biomethane production, its injection into the grid, the production and use of bio-LNG and bio-CO2, and certification requirements. In this blog, you can find the barriers identified by these projects, along with the challenges and perspectives of innovative biomethane technologies within SEMPRE-BIO. Framework Europe has numerous regulations supporting renewable energy. However, the biogas or biomethane sector is heavily influenced by how European legal norms are applied into national legislation. For this reason, this analysis takes a broad approach, considering various national regulations associated with different projects. Key issues identified: Absence of a Clear Legal Framework: Significant instability in project development due to many key aspects not being covered by existing legislation. This lack of clarity means that, at any moment, a project could fall outside the established legal framework. Long Permitting Process: Complicated and slow bureaucratic procedures cause significant delays and increased costs for implementing plants, as projects remain on hold for extended periods. This inefficiency in authorization processes creates uncertainty, which can discourage investors and slow down the transition to more rapid and effective biomethane production. Delivery Times and Bottlenecks: Unpredictable availability of critical materials and equipment leads to delays. Lack of Skilled Workers: Shortage of qualified professionals slows down project development and affects operational efficiency. Inadequate Infrastructure: Gas grids, grid injection capabilities and the number (or lack) of CNG and LNG filling stations cannot meet the growing demand. Limited grid injection points, insufficient filling stations and outdated pipelines pose major challenges to the sector’s expansion. Cost Increases: Rising costs across various aspects of biomethane production such as raw materials, labor, and infrastructure development, can significantly affect the financial feasibility of projects. These increases often result from supply chain disruptions, inflation, and the need for advanced technologies to improve efficiency. Higher costs can make it more difficult to secure funding and may reduce the profitability of projects. Feedstock supply Biogas and biomethane can be produced from various organic biomass sources, including agricultural residues, manure, organic waste, sewage sludge, and forest biomass. The focus has shifted away from production based on energy crops, as seen in Germany and Austria, to the use of residual and waste materials, in line with environmental and political objectives. The Climate Action Plan 2050 emphasizes bioenergy production from waste to avoid land-use competition, using agricultural residues like straw and manure to cut emissions, improve resource efficiency, and provide a stable renewable energy source. In line with this shift toward waste-based bioenergy, additional measures can further enhance sustainability. One approach is to allow the use of wild plants from conservation areas for biogas production. Another key strategy is to optimize manure digestion by incorporating complementary crops such as field grass and clover. Cost effectiveness of biomethane production Once comprehensive data has been gathered, the EU biomethane clusters will conduct a detailed analysis of efficiency improvements, emission reductions and cost evaluations of innovative processes compared to conventional biomethane pathways. This information will help identify which business models for biomethane can be developed in the future, considering changing framework conditions, such as increased CO2 utilization through biogas upgrading processes, advanced gasification methods, advanced anaerobic digestion processes, the use of alternative substrates, and challenges related to different types of waste and residues. Cross-border trading in biomethane Although this is the final point we will address, it remains one of the most important. While biogas production has grown at a steady pace in many countries, this has largely been due to national-level developments. A key piece is still missing: an efficient and fully recognized system for cross-border trade. The completed European project REGATRACE has demonstrated that this could lead to a significant additional production and generate greenhouse gas (GHG) savings. The first step for cross-border trading is documentation such as Guarantees of Origin (GoO) or Proof of Sustainability (PoS). These are essential for tracking gases from production to consumption and allow consumers to assign additional value when consuming these renewable energy sources. This value is transferred to the products, increasing the economic viability of producing these fuels. Conclusion Biomethane is a key pillar of Europe’s renewable energy strategy, but its growth is constrained by regulatory uncertainty, infrastructure gaps, and complex certification systems. Overcoming these barriers is key to expanding production and integration into the energy system. The political goal is clear: to double biomethane production by 2030, reaching at least 35 billion cubic metres (bcm) of annual production by that year. To meet this target, it is essential to address the challenges faced by ongoing projects. Effective legislation must be developed in close collaboration with key stakeholders, who, after all, are the ones most familiar with these barriers and the realities of long-term, sustainable implementation. If you want to learn more about the topics covered in this blog, you can access the full deliverable here. Author: Oria Pardo Editorial: Lucía Salinas and Laia Mencia Date: February, 2025 This project has received funding from the European Union’s HORIZON-CL5-2021-D3-03-16 program under grant agreement No 101084297. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. Follow us Facebook Twitter Linkedin Contact us Cookies Policy Privacy policy ©2023 Semprebio | All Rights Reserved | Powered by Scienseed
SEMPRE-BIO’s 4th General Assembly

SEMPRE-BIO’s 4th General Assembly Two Days of Discussions in Denmark Kongens Lyngby, Denmark, November 21st-22nd, 2024 SEMPRE-BIO is a collaborative project focused on improving biomethane production through innovative approaches and waste utilization. It brings together 16 organizations from six European countries and it aims to develop practical and cost-effective solutions that support the transition to renewable energy. Over the past two years, SEMPRE-BIO has made significant progress in enhancing the efficiency and sustainability of biomethane as a clean alternative to fossil fuels. The 4th General Assembly of SEMPRE-BIO took place on November 21 and 22, 2024, at DTU in Kongens Lyngby, Denmark. The event began with a series of case study presentations and discussions, followed by updates on the project’s work packages. Day one concluded with a summary session and a networking dinner. On the second day, participants explored additional work package presentations, finalized conclusions, and visited DTU’s Bio Conversions lab to see new waste-to-bioproduct technologies in action. The assembly provided project partners with a platform to share results, address challenges, and align on the next steps for advancing biomethane production. Author: Lucía Salinas Date: November, 2024 This project has received funding from the European Union’s HORIZON-CL5-2021-D3-03-16 program under grant agreement No 101084297. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. Follow us Facebook Twitter Linkedin Contact us Cookies Policy Privacy policy ©2023 Semprebio | All Rights Reserved | Powered by Scienseed
BIo-Impact Webinar Recap

Webinar Recap: “BIo-Impact, 2 Years of Innovation in Biomethane Production with SEMPRE-BIO” Latest Advances in Biomethane Production On Wednesday, November 6th, SEMPRE-BIO hosted a very interesting webinar titled “BIo-Impact: 2 Years of Innovation in Biomethane Production with SEMPRE-BIO.” This event gathered around 50 participants from various sectors including sustainability, energy, wastewater treatment, chemical industry, biotechnology, and agriculture. Attendees included professors, students, researchers, directors, engineers, project managers, and procurement managers, among others. About SEMPRE-BIO SEMPRE-BIO is dedicated to advancing biomethane production through innovative research and collaboration. Over the past two years, the project has made significant strides in enhancing the efficiency and sustainability of biomethane production processes. This webinar is designed to share aimed these advancements with a wider audience, showcasing the collaborative efforts and expertise of the consortium members and the advancement on new biomethane production technologies. Webinar Highlights The webinar featured a series of short presentations, each delivered by a consortium member with expertise in their areas: Project Presentation: Alejandra Córdova, SEMPRE-BIO’s project coordinator, from Cetaqua, opened the webinar with an overview of the project’s goals, achievements, and future directions. She discussed the potential to scale-up biomethane production, and the main feedstocks used in anaerobic digestion and the thermal gasification. With over 50% of the project duration complete, it’s now time to put into practice what has been designed and tested at lab scale. Case Study 1: David Checa from Cetaqua highlighted the importance of the power-to-gas concept and how it applies to this case study. He updated the audience on the progress in designing the technology and the constructing the demo plant. With the detailed engineering of the plant taking place and the PEMEL (electrolyser) construction ongoing, the plant is expected to start operations in February 2025. Case Study 2: David Checa, presenting on behalf of Arthur Lacaine from TerraWatt, detailed advancements in the various biomethanation process and showed a 3D model of the demo plant, which is currently under construction. He talked about the type of feedstock and their requirements (shredded biomass free of rocks and metals) and offered a brief description of the pyrolysis process using a rotatory kiln without air and external heating. He also mentioned TerraWatt’s collaboration with DTU to assess the best configuration of the biological methanation reactor. Case Study 3: Çagri Akyol from Ghent University and Andrea Munaretto discussed the significance of adapting a biogas upgrading solution to produce bio-LNG and liquid CO2 at farm-scale. They talked about feedstock testing, and how it was decided that manure was a better option for biomethane production. For this reason, the demo plant will be installed in a Belgian dairy farm. They also discussed the test bench used to evaluate the cryogenic capture of CO2 in a biomethane stream already running. With the plant design done, their next steps include the installation of equipment and start of the pilot. CO2 Valorisation: Georgina Del Puerto Tañá from BETA-UVIC and Marcella Fernandes de Souza from Ghent University explored the potential of CO2 valorisation to produce biopolymers, biochemicals and microalgae as an alternative protein source. They reported on the results of testing different microbial strains with different substrates (synthetic and digestate from CS3) in different conditions, and how they are now running a pilot with a hybrid fermenter. Similarly, after testing several strains and digestates for microalgae, now two pilot-scale photobioreactor are taking place. The session concluded with a discussion on the importance industrial symbiosis to successfully integrate algae in a dairy farm, creating sustainable microalgae plant. The webinar ended with a short Q&A session, where a couple of attendees raised interesting questions. We encourage you to watch this, along with the full presentation, for a more complete understanding. You can access the full recording here and the presentation here. Author: Laia Mencia Date: November, 2024 This project has received funding from the European Union’s HORIZON-CL5-2021-D3-03-16 program under grant agreement No 101084297. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. Follow us Facebook Twitter Linkedin Contact us Cookies Policy Privacy policy ©2023 Semprebio | All Rights Reserved | Powered by Scienseed
CO2 microalgae from biogas plants

CO2 microalgae from biogas plants A project of the BETA Center of the UVic-UCC seeks how to valorize carbon dioxide and use the result for animal feed Originally published on July, 15 2024. That biogas plants must contribute positively to the management of the surplus of livestock manure or waste from the agri-food industry and sewage sludge is no longer disputed by anyone in the scientific field. Gradually, progress was also made in its implementation. However, once the biomethane has been extracted from the digestate, the residue still exists and within the framework of the European research project SEMPRE-BIO, the BETA Technological Center of the UVic-UCC is studying CO2 outputs. One of these outlets is to use it in the cultivation of microalgae. And this is what Georgina del Puerto, a PhD student from Roda de Ter, graduated in Biotechnology at the UdG and who has also done a master’s degree in Applied Microbiology at the UAB, is working on. “We are researching ways to valorize CO2” and one option is microalgae as an alternative source of protein, explains Del Puerto. That is why in the last few weeks they have installed a photobioreactor for their cultivation outside the BETA Center facilities in Can Baumann. They work with CO2and other nutrients from the digestate coming out of the biogas plants. The project is in the research phase. The aim is to demonstrate that the resulting microalgae can be used for animal feed. ”What we want is to generate the scientific and technical evidence to break down the legal barrier” that now prevents making food products from by-products such as digestate, according to Lídia Paredes, researcher in Environmental Technologies at CT BETA. Diary: El 9 Nou Author: Isaac Moreno Link: Date: October, 2024 This project has received funding from the European Union’s HORIZON-CL5-2021-D3-03-16 program under grant agreement No 101084297. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. Follow us Facebook Twitter Linkedin Contact us Cookies Policy Privacy policy ©2023 Semprebio | All Rights Reserved | Powered by Scienseed
Innovations and Technologies for Transforming Waste

Exploring sustainable fuel alternatives for transportation SEMPRE-BIO’s Advances in Sustainable Biogas Production Introduction Waste accounts for 26% of human-made methane emissions worldwide [1]. But what exactly is waste and how is it classified? Waste is defined as unwanted or unusable materials, any substance discarded after primary use, or something that is worthless, defective and of no use. One way to classify it is based on how it is managed: controlled waste, which is collected and then either recycled or disposed of in a controlled facility, or uncontrolled waste, which is either not collected and thus dumped or burned in the open by the waste generator or collected and then dumped or burned at its destination. What is being done with the waste right now? As can be seen in the following chart detailing the global municipal solid waste destinations in 2020, 62% of the global municipal solid waste (MSW) is controlled. [2] According to the same document, the degree to which MSW is managed in a controlled manner varies significantly across regions. The lowest levels of MSW management are in Sub-Saharan Africa and Central and South Asia, whereas in North America and Western Europe, almost all this waste is managed in controlled destinations. Other differences include the fact that North America relies predominantly on sanitary landfill disposal, while in Western Europe, recycling rates are higher, and waste-to-energy is the dominant method of MSW disposal. In this blog, we will focus on the concept of Waste-to-Energy (WtE), which involves the production of energy in the form of electricity, heat or fuel. How do we get energy from waste? There are various methods for obtaining energy from waste, but it is important to recognize that not all of these options are equally sustainable. Considering that municipal solid waste generation is predicted to grow from 2.3 billion tonnes in 2023 to 3.8 billion tonnes by 2050, it is vital that if we want to control the emissions we produce, we must start managing the waste we produce in a more sustainable manner. As cited in the latest United Nations report, the world must move beyond the waste area and turn rubbish into a resource. [3] Some of the technologies currently being used to convert waste into energy are: Incineration: This entails the direct burning of solid waste at temperatures between 750 and 1,100°C. It requires the presence of oxygen and produces steam for electricity or heat generation. Gasification: This process involves the partial oxidation of waste between 800 and 1200°C, facilitated by a controlled amount of oxygen. This allows for partial combustion, breaking down waste into simple molecules and producing synthetic gas for further combustion or conversion to chemical feedstock. Pyrolysis: This involves the thermal degradation of waste between 300 and 1300°C in the absence of oxygen, producing liquid fuel for further combustion or conversion to chemical feedstock. Anaerobic digestion: This processes readily degradable organic wastes using microorganisms in the absence of oxygen. The digestion process produces biogas and digestate. Biogas can be used as fuel for power generation, while digestate can be composted for use as a soil conditioner or dewatered and used as a low calorific value refuse-derived fuel. But, why is this important? As we have mentioned, the issue of waste management has significant repercussions and will have even more in the future. Over two billion metric tons of unsustainable, human-generated waste are thrown away globally every year, entering our environment and polluting every ecosystem around the world [4]. Human health is also being deeply impacted by the lack of environmental accountability and awareness about waste management. Improper waste management generates a wide range of airborne pollutants, including unintentional persistent organic pollutants and other chemicals of concern for public health (Pathak et al., 2023). [5] Based on the previous projections, it is shown that a circular economy model, where waste generation and economic growth are decoupled by adopting waste avoidance, sustainable business practices and comprehensive waste management, could in fact lead to a net gain of EUR 9740 million per year. [6] How does it relate to SEMPRE-BIO? SEMPRE-BIO takes the biological route (as opposed to chemical catalysts) to convert waste into biogas through a process called methanation. This process involves the conversion of carbon-based materials, present in waste, into methane. The project works on two main areas: 1) retrofitting of vintage AD plants, and 2) developing new methanation processes. These processes include: methanation of CO2 with H2, and methanation of CO in syngas without H2. Through this work, SEMPRE-BIO advances in the understanding of bioreactors and how to optimise them for efficient waste-to-biogas conversion. Case Study 1 takes place at the El Prat de Llobregat wastewater treatment plant in Barcelona, Spain. Its primary focus is upgrading biogas to high-quality biomethane while reducing costs using the sludge produced at the plant as feedstock. This refined biomethane is then utilized in two buses operating in the metropolitan area of Barcelona. In Case Study 2, SEMPRE-BIO tackles a key element in waste-to-energy, the transformation of non-fermentable waste into biogas through pyro-gasification, as opposed to the usual approach which is the use of fermentable biomass. This Case, taking place in Bourges (France), will demonstrate pyro-gasification of non-fermentable waste such as woody biomass from Bourges, in a pyrolyzer without any air intake producing a syngas without Nitrogen where Carbon and Hydrogen can then be converted into biogas. This biogas will be injected into the grid. In the Case Study 3, taking place in Adinkerke (Belgium), liquified biomethane will be produced by cryogenic separation of biogas from a dairy farm anaerobic digestors. Manure from a 1,500-cow dairy farm will be used as feedstock for producing biogas for local storage and a pure CO₂ stream with food-grade quality. This remaining CO2 will be liquified and converted into polymers and bioplastics. SEMPRE-BIO aims to drive innovations across all stages of the value chain to produce cheaper and more sustainable biomethane. This includes the use of novel types of feedstocks, breakthrough biomethane production technologies,
Biomethane technologies on a smaller scale

Innovative biomethane technologies on a smaller scale: a feasible case Biogas-E Case Study 3 Interview Originally published on June 25, 2024. The Net-Zero Industry Act (NZIA) supports innovation through regulatory sandboxes that allow net-zero technologies to be tested in a controlled environment before being marketed. This instrument improves the learning process in terms of regulations and possible upscaling, and fits seamlessly with the SEMPRE-BIO case studies that investigate sustainable innovative biomethane technologies. One of these case studies is located on the dairy farm De Zwanebloem in Adinkerke and aims to transform organic waste into bio-LNG and liquid CO2 on a smaller scale. De Zwanebloem’s main role is the biogas supply. Cryo Inox is responsible for the implementation and operation of the cryogenic installation. Ghent University coordinates the Flemish demo site and is thus in charge of general management and monitoring. They are in close contact with Innolab and Biogas-E. Ghent University is also involved in the valorization of by-products, such as digestate and CO2. Biogas-E interviewed Wannes Masscheleyn, managing director of De Zwanebloem and Çağrı Akyol, postdoctoral project manager and researcher at Ghent University. Hello Wannes, can you tell us more about your farm in Adinkerke? Wannes: De Zwanebloem is a family business in dairy farming. We currently milk 900 cows. In addition to milk, the cows also produce about 35,000 tonnes of manure per year. Until recently, manure was applied to our own and neighboring fields. We have two anaerobic digesters, one mesophilic and one thermophilic, in which we can process 25,000 tonnes of manure and 5,000 tonnes of co-substrates (e.g. Corn Cob Mix) annually. These digesters are now one month operational. A CHP with a capacity of 435 kWe valorizes the produced biogas into green electricity and heat that we can use ourselves. Within the SEMPRE-BIO project, the biogas will temporarily be used for the production of bio-LNG and liquid CO2 via cryogenic separation. Why did you choose for anaerobic digestion? Wannes: We are obliged to process 15,000 tonnes of manure every year. When we heard that digestate resulting from thermophilic digestion may be transported to France, this seemed like a good opportunity given our location near the border. Moreover, through anaerobic digestion we can reduce our electricity costs and obtain certificates, which is economically more beneficial than sending manure to biological processing. What is innovative about the technology being researched within SEMPRE-BIO? Çağrı: On the one hand, cryogenic separation is not that common for biogas upgrading. On the other hand, biogas upgrading mainly takes place on a larger scale in other countries. Therefore, the reduction in scale of this technology is innovative. What were/are the bottlenecks when installing the digesters and the upgrading installation? Wannes: The biggest challenge is obtaining the permit, mainly because of the nitrogen problem in Flanders. The safety aspects linked to bio-LNG production may also cause some challenges. The permit application for the biomethane upgrading facility is currently being finalized. The application for digestate transport to France is ongoing. “The biggest challenge is obtaining the permit, mainly because of the nitrogen problem in Flanders.” Was this in line with your expectations and can we learn something from this for the future? Wannes: Before the start of the project, we already had discussions with the delegation in Bruges. They were quite positive as the number of cattle remains unchanged in the permit and therefore there is no effect on the company’s general nitrogen emissions. At first, it seemed that a notification would be sufficient. Ultimately however, a permit application turned out to be necessary. More frequent use of such or similar technologies could simplify the permitting process, although there are of course many company-specific factors to take into account. Furthermore, the legislation applicable in the future plays a major role. Allowing everything to take its course may result in a natural decline in livestock numbers, but it must be realized that this will no longer result in an influx of new farmers and could possibly lead to shortages of our basic products in the near future. Can NZIA provide a boost? Wannes: It is positive that European legislation exists to simplify the application of innovative technologies. However, practice shows that translation of European legislations to Member State level is often difficult and that there is too little standardization. In fact, border policy in general is a bottleneck that needs to be addressed first. Border policy between Flanders and Wallonia is already quite a challenge. Çağrı: We are often still very dependent on countries outside Europe. Much of the renewable energy equipment, also for biogas and biomethane production, is imported from China. This can have several disadvantages, including production problems, quality control issues, or unexpected costs. The positive thing is that local and regional production is increasingly stimulated, partly by the NZIA. “We are often still very dependent on countries outside Europe.” What about the future of innovative biogas and biomethane production technologies? Çağrı: Interest in biogas, biomethane and associated technologies is growing. Biogas and biomethane are very versatile and can be used in a flexible way. One of the main reasons for the increasing interest is the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, which clearly showed how dependent Europe is on Russian natural gas. If this trend continues, the biomethane target set by the EU in the REPowerEU plan certainly seems feasible, provided that the challenges linked to the application of digestate (products) are also addressed. Wannes: Our milk collection trucks currently run on LNG. In an ideal circular scenario, bio-LNG could be used in these trucks and also in our tractors. The application of bio-LNG in heavy transport is currently still very rare in Flanders. This makes it more difficult to take the (first) step. Are there any other innovations planned? Wannes: The next step is to find a way to remove the nitrogen from the air in the stables. There are many interesting innovations, but these are often not profitable on a smaller scale
Exploring sustainable fuel alternatives for transportation

Exploring sustainable fuel alternatives for transportation Understanding the Shift from Fossil Fuels to Renewable Energy Sources Introduction Fossil fuels are one of the main pollutants on the planet. The CO2 emissions released by them are one of the main contributors to climate change. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), in 2018, approximately 89% of global carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions originated from fossil fuels and industry. [1] Fossil fuels are formed from the decomposition of carbon-based organisms that lived millions of years ago, resulting in the creation of carbon-rich deposits. These deposits are then extracted and burned to produce energy. Crude oil or petroleum is a liquid fossil fuel created mostly by hydrocarbons. It can be found in underground reservoirs and, once extracted, is transported to refineries and transformed into usable fuels like gasoline. Another fossil fuel is coal,twhich is a carbon-rich sedimentary rock that can be extracted via underground or surface mining. In terms of emissions, it is the most carbon intensive fuel. Fracked natural gas, also known as shale gas, is a fossil fuel primarily composed of methane. The impact of fossil fuels on our planet is far-reaching and severe. When fossil fuels emit CO2, the heat is trapped in the atmosphere, producing an increment on temperatures. They also provoke ocean acidification, extreme weather, sea level rise, air pollution that causes health risks, water pollution, plastic pollution, and oil spills that can harm wildlife. In addition, fossil fuels are finite resources with a limited lifespan. These factors call for a need for change. [2] Recognizing these challenges, efforts are underway to advance future energy technologies that prioritize energy efficiency, environmental sustainability, and economic viability. Even modest incremental enhancements to existing energy technologies can effectively address both the energy crisis and environmental challenges. As observed in the previous blog, the energy transition will be possible through a mix of renewable sources. One of these sources is alternative fuels, but what exactly are they? According to the European Commission, alternative fuels are those fuels or power sources which serve, at least partly, as a substitute for fossil oil sources in the transport sector. [3] Types of alternative fuels In general, alternative fuels encompass all the fuels used for transport, excluding gasoline and diesel. Some of these alternative fuels can be used in current petrol engines without requiring any modifications. Their advantages include cleaner burning, producing lower CO2 emissions, and if they come from a renewable biomass source, the dependency on petroleum decreases. [3] Let’s explore the six types of alternatives: electricity, hydrogen, biofuels, synthetic and paraffinic fuels, natural gas, liquified natural gas and liquified petroleum gas. Electricity can be generated from three main sources: fossil carbon, nuclear energy and renewable sources.Currently, 39% of the electricity consumed come from fossil fuels, 35% from renewable energy and 26 % from nuclear energy. This indicates that electricity generation is reducing the consumption of fossil fuel by 61%. The main source of renewable energy is wind turbines. [4] Hydrogen serves as an alternative for transportation and can be categorized into different types. Green Hydrogen is the most sustainable, often produced through electrolysis, where water is split into oxygen and hydrogen using renewable energy sources. Blue Hydrogen falls between sustainable and non-sustainable production, generated by reforming natural gas (a fossil fuel) but incorporating carbon capture and storage to mitigate its environmental impact. Brown Hydrogen, derived directly from fossil fuels without carbon capture processes, is not sustainable. [5] Ammonia, a gas at room temperature and pressure, can be stored as a liquid at low temperatures. It is used in the maritime sector to replace some heavy fuels, offering safer storage than hydrogen and emitting less carbon than liquefied petroleum gas or compressed natural gas. [5] Liquified petroleum gas is a low-carbon alternative, emitting 35% less CO2 than coal and 12% less than oil. It increases resource efficiency in transport. Currently derived from crude oils and natural gas, it is expected to also come from biomass in the future. [5] Biofuels like biodiesel, bioethanol and biomethanol are one of the most important types of alternative fuels, capable of reducing CO2 emissions if sustainably produced and avoiding indirect land use change. Biodegradable and sourced from vegetable oils, animal fats and recycled restaurant grease, biofuels are produced using evolving technologies and can be used directly or blended with traditional fossil fuels.6 In particular, as a substitute of natural gas in several applications such as heating, electricity generation, and as a fuel for vehicles. Not only does it help reducing CO2 emissions but it also fosters a circular economy by producing gas from different kinds of waste. How does it relate to SEMPRE-BIO? SEMPRE-BIO is set to enhance biomethane production by leveraging cutting-edge technologies. Our mission is to bridge the gap from models to reality within three European Biomethane Innovation Ecosystems (EBIE). These ecosystems incorporate five main innovative technologies, each optimized for different feedstocks: Wastewater (CS1): We use electrolysis and biomethanation to convert wastewater into valuable biomethane. Green waste (CS2): Our innovative approach combines pyrolysis and methanation to efficiently transform green waste into sustainable biomethane. Manure organic waste (CS3): By utilizing cryo separation, we capture manure organic waste and create a renewable source for biomethane production. These sources will be utilised to produce biomethane for public transportation, grid injection and local storage as bio-LNG. SEMPRE-BIO’s ambitious goals align with the Horizon Europe call, aiming for four specific outcomes for a cleaner, more sustainable and secure energy supply, aiming for increased cost-effectiveness, diversified technology, market uptake and industrial-scale demonstrations. Our discussion on alternative fuels underscores the crucial role of innovations like those implemented in the SEMPRE-BIO project in mitigating the environmental impact of traditional energy sources. Transitioning to alternative fuels not only addresses immediate environmental concerns but also enhances our long-term energy security. As these technologies develop and scale, their integration into our energy infrastructure is imperative for an effective energy shift. References: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] Author: Oria Pardo Editorial: Lucía Salinas Date: July, 2024
Biomethane: A Sustainable Solution for Transportation

Biomethane: A Sustainable Solution for Transportation Exploring the Role of Biomethane in Reducing Fossil Fuel Dependency Introduction Think of when you step onto a city bus and notice that small sign: “Powered by Clean Energy.” You sit back, feeling a surge of satisfaction, knowing that you are part of a progressive shift towards reducing the urban carbon footprint. One way of powering these buses with green energy is biomethane, a clean and efficient fuel derived from organic waste. This renewable energy source offers numerous benefits. In this article, we’ll delve into how biomethane is making a tangible impact on public transportation and why each trip you take fortifies our economic and environmental resilience. As mentioned in the previous post ‘Challenges on Energy Transition’, the EU has stepped up its efforts to produce energy from renewable sources, thus reducing its dependence on fossil fuel and its reliance on imports from other countries. The EU’s ambitious goal of producing and injecting 35 billion cubic metres (bcm) of biomethane into the natural gas system by 2030 is a clear demonstration of this commitment, with transportation emerging as a key application for this biomethane as a substitute for traditional fossil fuels. Despite these efforts, in 2021, the European Union (EU) experienced a 15.7% increase in the consumption of solid fossil fuels compared to 2020. Although their consumption did not fully return to 2019 levels [1], fossil fuels remain a significant component of the EU’s energy mix. In 2021, they constituted 70% of the gross available energy in the EU [2]. The combustion of these fuels releases pollutants such as sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOX) and particulate matter, which are harmful to human health, cause respiratory diseases and contribute to smog [3]. Additionally, their combustion emits greenhouse gases such as CO2, CH4 and N2O, further contributing to climate change. This scenario underscores the urgent need for cleaner, sustainable alternatives. We cannot discuss the use of biomethane as a transport fuel without first highlighting the need for substantial investment in public transportation. This sector is the most obvious area where we can apply the “energy efficiency first” principle, which prioritizes the efficient use of energy over the incorporation of new energy sources [4]. The transport sector shows a keen interest in biomethane to meet its biofuel quotas, and the European Union has a key technological strategy, Action 8 of the SET Plan [5], which specifically focuses on advancing the development and deployment of renewable energy technologies. Benefits of using biomethane The economy: Biomethane can be used as a substitute for imported liquefied natural gas (LNG) because it has a similar energy value to natural gas. Additionally, using biomethane produced in Europe is cheaper than transporting natural gas from outside Europe, especially LNG shipped across oceans. In 2023, Europe imported over 150 million tons of LNG incurring a cost of over €55 billion [6]. According to EU targets for 2050, 30 to 40% of this LNG will be replaced with biomethane, [7] saving over a billion euros annually. SEMPRE-BIO is developing a process that will meet 1% of Europe’s gas demand by 2050, saving around 9.3 million euros in transportation costs each year. The environment: Biomethane is a powerful ally in the fight against climate change. By harnessing anaerobic digestion, methane emissions from manure and similar materials, which are up to 23 times more harmful than CO2 [8], are captured. Without this technology, methane would be released into the atmosphere during the decomposition of manure and waste such as sewage sludge, municipal waste, agro-industrial effluents or agricultural residues. Therefore, biomethane has a triple beneficial effect: it is a low-carbon gas, as it involves short-cycle CO2; it replaces fossil fuels, thus preventing the addition of fossil-origin CO2 to the atmosphere; and, as previously mentioned, it captures biogas that would otherwise be emitted into the atmosphere and uses it as fuel. The community: Renewable gases in the EU have the potential to create 2.4 million jobs by 2050, with 850,000 being direct jobs [9]. Currently, the biogas sector provides over 50,000 stable jobs in Europe, with many plants situated in rural areas, contributing to the economy of disadvantaged regions and creating high-skilled jobs. Biogas plants are also increasingly prevalent in urban areas, aiding municipalities in waste management while providing environmental and economic benefits. Substituting fossil fuels with cost-effective biomethane enhances access to affordable, clean, carbon-neutral energy for EU citizens. Its use in transportation reduces GHG emissions, improves public health, mitigates climate change, and ensures food security and economic sustainability. Energy security: Considering dwindling fossil fuel reserves and deepening energy dependence, biomethane offers a domestic, sustainable, and renewable gas source that can help alleviate the European Union’s energy security concerns. In 2021, the EU imported 84% [10] of its gas consumption, much of which came from politically unstable regions, posing risks to energy security. Specific Benefits of Using Biomethane for Land Transport: In countries like Spain and Portugal, which serve as major points of connection in Europe and account for approximately 30% of emissions from transportation, the decarbonization of heavy-duty transport is of particular importance. In this context, bio-LNG, in the form of biomethane, emerges as the most expedient option for achieving the decarbonization targets outlined in the European Commission’s Renewable Energy Directive [11]. Biomethane offers several technical advantages, as its compatibility with existing vehicle infrastructure designed for compressed natural gas (CNG) or liquefied natural gas, coupled with its mature anaerobic digestion technology, renders it a reliable and versatile choice. Moreover, the EU’s commitment to integrating natural gas networks among member states will facilitate the storage and distribution of biomethane, thus unlocking its commercial potential. Given these advantages and more, the biomethane sector warrants increased attention and support, with its share in transportation expected to experience rapid growth in the years ahead. Conclusions Certain recent studies, such as “The potential role of biomethane for the decarbonization of transport: An analysis of 2030 scenarios in Italy – ScienceDirect” [12], have examined the specific characteristics of different regions. All these
SEMPRE-BIO’s 3rd General Assembly

SEMPRE-BIO’s 3rd General Assembly PRESS RELEASE Madrid, Spain, May 23rd, 2024 Project’s progress mirrors Europe’s push for sustainable energy The SEMPRE-BIO project team, supported by the European Union’s Horizon Europe Program, held their third General Assembly on May 23rd, 2024. This biannual gathering of consortium members, held online this year, highlighted significant advancements in biomethane production technologies that enhance Europe’s energy resilience and support the circular economy. Led by CETAQUA, Water Technology Centre, SEMPRE-BIO unites 16 key organizations from six European countries. These include industry leaders, research centers, and academic institutions dedicated to reducing the costs and extending the potential of biomethane production through innovative waste valorization. Meeting overview The assembly offered a detailed review of the project’s progress, focusing on strategic plans for future activities. Discussions were robust, with an emphasis on aligning project timelines and enhancing collaboration across the consortium. The involvement of SEMPRE-BIO’s Expert External Advisory Board (EEAB) members added an additional layer of oversight and expertise, contributing to the project’s overall success. Case Studies, Practical Impact Across Europe The project illustrated its broad impact across Europe through its three case studies in Belgium, France, and Spain. Each location provides unique insights into local challenges and how SEMPRE-BIO’s solutions are tailored to meet diverse European needs. The assembly assessed the testing of five innovative technologies across three locations, aimed at diversifying the conversion technology base for biomethane production. Notably: Case Study 1: The pilot plant in Baix Llobregat is making remarkable progress. The site is being prepared for the installation of crucial components, with the development of the bioreactor and PEMEL advancing in tandem. Efforts are focused on enhancing productivity and yield for biogas upgrading, balanced with economic viability through a meticulous cost-value analysis. The reactor and Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID) are developed, with the reactor expected to be operational early next year. Construction of the PEMEL, a technology used to split water into hydrogen and oxygen, is progressing and slated for completion by year-end, followed by a series of performance tests. Case Study 2: In Bourges, the project has secured site agreements, established the ground plane, and arranged for a woody waste supplier. The plant design and 3D model are finalized, and equipment procurement is underway. A smaller pyrolysis kiln has been installed for training and optimization, with the main kiln assembly and operations starting in August. The biomethanation tank is expected to be operational by early 2025, with smooth progress on other project aspects. Case Study 3: The demonstration plant in Adinkerke has made significant advancements, featuring two operational anaerobic digesters producing over 5,000 m³/year of biogas from manure. Comprehensive testing has been conducted, and the final Process Flow Diagram (PFD) is established, guiding the system’s installation and operation. The plant is set for completion by year-end, with operations to begin in early 2025, including the production of food-grade CO₂ for further applications. Work Packages Update Progress across various work packages was thoroughly evaluated: Advanced CO2 Valorization Technologies (WP4) detailed the promising lab experiments for producing biochemicals and biopolymers from biomethane streams, using synthetic mediums and digestate from gas plants. Further optimization is needed to optimize the systems and maximize production. A 50L pilot hybrid fermenter with sensors was implemented in April, and future steps include testing various digestates. Research on microalgae as a sustainable protein source for animal feed is also progressing. Economic Assessment and Market Strategy (WP5) addressed the refinement of biomethane guidelines and policy recommendations, highlighting new promotion policies and market gap analyses. Process simulations for all case studies are progressing, with models updated as new data becomes available. Communication, Dissemination, and Exploitation (WP6) emphasized sustained efforts in communication and public engagement highlighting a strong social media presence and consistent content publication. Upcoming activities include a webinar in autumn and a video on case studies by mid-2025. Environmental Impact and Future Directions SEMPRE-BIO’s aims to significantly reduce CO2 emissions by up to 213 million tons annually by 2050. This aligns with the European Green Deal’s goals to cut Europe’s reliance on imported natural gas and liquefied natural gas, promoting the use of biomethane as a cleaner substitute for fossil fuels in various sectors, including transportation and heavy industry. Closing Remarks and Acknowledgments The third General Assembly has demonstrated SEMPRE-BIO project’s significant strides towards enhancing biomethane production technologies. The consortium’s efforts are in step with Europe’s overarching goal to become the first climate-neutral continent. The project extends sincere thanks to all consortium members and partners for their invaluable contributions and steadfast dedication. Their collaborative efforts are instrumental in driving the success of SEMPRE-BIO. Looking forward, the project is determined to maintain its momentum with further trials and initiatives aimed at broadening the adoption of these technologies across Europe. For more information about SEMPRE-BIO visit our Project Page Contact: Laia 930 181 691 Barcelona, 31st of May 2024 This project has received funding from the European Union’s HORIZON-CL5-2021-D3-03-16 program under grant agreement No 101084297. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. Follow us Facebook Twitter Linkedin Contact us Cookies Policy Privacy policy ©2023 Semprebio | All Rights Reserved | Powered by Scienseed
Biomethane challenges for the energy transition

Challenges on Energy Transition Biomethane’s Growing Role and Emerging Barriers Introduction In our quest for sustainable energy solutions, a pivotal challenge remains: reducing harmful emissions from the transport sector and electricity generation. As we have discussed in previous blogs, the European energy transition is crucial, and finding viable alternatives to fossil fuels is key. Enter biomethane, a potential solution that’s gaining traction. Its versatility extends across various applications, from home heating to vehicle propulsion and even electricity generation. Biogas and biomethane, in particular, are emerging as promising alternatives to traditional fossil fuels. Nevertheless, it’s essential to emphasize that the energy transition will be possible through a diverse mix of renewable sources, including hydro, biomass, solar, and wind power. Thus, while striving for ambitious targets, it’s crucial to maintain flexibility and embrace a holistic approach to achieving a sustainable energy future. In 2021, the EU made significant strides, producing 3.5 billion cubic meters (bcm) of biomethane and 14.9 bcm of biogas. A European Parliament amendment to the proposed EU Gas Regulation (RePowerEU) lays down that Member States shall ensure that by 2030 at least 35 bcm of biomethane is produced and injected into the natural gas system. This initiative is crucial for safeguarding the security of the EU’s gas supply, decreasing dependence on fossil fuel gas imports and ensuring EU’s energy transition [1]. In the current geopolitical context, strengthening internal energy resilience serves as a key strategy for the EU. However, despite these ambitious goals, it seems achieving the targeted production of 35 bcm of biomethane (more detailed info in European Biomethane Potential and Future Projections) may be unfeasible due to a wide range of barriers. Let’s delve deeper into these barriers. Challenges & Barriers Feedstock Availability and Sustainability: One of the major challenges lies in the insufficient availability of sustainable feedstock to meet the 35 bcm biomethane target in EU. In the SEMPRE-BIO project, we delve into the challenges associated with the feedstocks of sewage sludge (used in CS1), green waste (CS2) and manure (CS3). Let’s take a look at sewage sludge first. In this case, anaerobic digestion or AD (the process by which micro-organisms break down biodegradable material in the absence of oxygen) is the best option for production of biomethane from this feedstock. However, digestate from this feedstock needs to be handled with care because of heavy metal concentrations and antibiotic resistance genes [2], as well as emerging pollutants such as microplastics. For green waste, the main issue is due to logistics. The absence of specialized companies in forest cleaning and pruning management, tasked with transporting green waste, which is due to its nature de-centralized and sparse, to conversion technology facilities, presents a significant challenge. This scarcity can exacerbate the difficulty in accessing green pruning for processes like anaerobic digestion or pyrolysis. Without established companies for these roles, logistical hurdles may arise, impeding efficient collection and transportation of waste from generation sites to processing plants. Therefore, a holistic approach is necessary to tackle the technical challenges of green pruning management and the logistical issues surrounding its collection and transportation. And lastly, when considering manure volumes, it’s important to take into account advice from the Chief Scientific Advisers to the European Commission. They’ve emphasized that reducing excessive meat consumption is one of the most effective ways to combat greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) [2]. If our priority is addressing climate change, we can’t continue relying on more than half of current manure volumes. However, SEMPRE-BIO goal is to effectively manage the existing production of manure without intensifying agricultural activity. Despite RePowerEU stating that 32% of the 35 bcm by 2030 will be sourced from manure [2], this percentage is overly ambitious and not feasible in reality without its subsequent lock-in effect. It is also key to keep in mind that these facilities are usually in rural areas without access to the natural gas grid for injection of biomethane, and their scale is sometimes not large enough to make biomethane production economically feasible. SEMPRE-BIO aims to tackle that by producing bio-LNG (liquified biomethane), which is much more economically feasible to transport over long distances and aims to scale down liquefaction technology while avoiding economic penalties. Policy and Regulatory Hurdles: Developing and implementing regulations that support biomethane production can be complex. Regulatory frameworks need to address issues such as feedstock sourcing, grid injection requirements, quality standards, financial incentives and digestates deposition policies which can be radically different depending on the feedstock. In addition, integrating biomethane into existing energy markets requires overcoming barriers related to pricing mechanisms, market access, and competition with conventional fossil fuels. Moreover, biomethane production involves multiple sectors, including agriculture, waste management, energy, and transport. Coordinating policies across these sectors to support biomethane development can be difficult due to differing priorities and interests. Technological Complexities, Infrastructure Limitations and Investment: Technological complexities represent other major barrier, encompassing challenges related to efficiency, scalability, and cost-effectiveness. Current biomethane production methods require refinement to enhance efficiency and reduce costs, making them more competitive with fossil-fuel energy sources. Furthermore, it is imperative to notice that for the injection of biomethane into the grid to occur, the plant must be situated near the grid infrastructure. If this is not the case, new distribution network infrastructure must be built to facilitate the transport of biomethane to the grid connection point. Despite the mentioned above, biomethane remains a potential option to help Europe’s energy transition and for reducing GHG emissions. Nonetheless, there is still a notable lack of investment and support in this sector. In several countries, a clear comparison can be made between the countries in which biomethane is booming, such as France, and those that have equal potential but biomethane is anecdotic, such as Spain: lack of economy subsidies and regulation (in several areas, from injection to digestate management). Additionally, the financial viability of biomethane projects often faces challenges due to high initial investment costs, uncertain regulatory frameworks, and limited incentives for renewable energy sources. Without sufficient investment and supportive policies, many biomethane initiatives struggle