SEMPRE-BIO project – 2nd General Assembly

2nd General Assembly PRESS RELEASE Leipzig, Germany, November 23, 2024 SEMPRE-BIO 2nd General Assembly The SEMPRE-BIO project recently concluded its 2nd General Assembly, held over two days from November 23rd to 24th at the DBFZ’s headquarters in Leipzig, Germany. This assembly was a pivotal moment for the project, bringing together representatives from all partners to discuss achievements, ongoing work, and future endeavors. Project overview: SEMPRE-BIO (SEcuring doMestic PRoduction of cost-Effective BIOmethane) is a €9.9M project financed under the Horizon Europe Cluster 5 programme running from November 2022 to April 2026. SEMPRE-BIO aims to demonstrate novel and cost-effective biomethane production solutions and pathways, deemed essential to achieve the European Green Deal and climate and energy targets for 2030 and the net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, and to increase the market up-take of biomethane-related technologies. European Biomethane Innovation Ecosystems: The SEMPRE-BIO project operates in Baix Llobregat (Spain), Bourges (France), and Adinkerke (Belgium), where it has established three European Biomethane Innovation Ecosystems (EBIEs). These EBIEs serve as demoplants to ensure replicability, accelerating the development and uptake of novel biomethane production technologies across Europe. The project looks to lower investment and operating costs, optimize feedstock supply and use, identify alternative feedstocks, and enhance overall plant efficiency and operations. Key Objectives: Reduce investment and operating costs. Optimize feedstock supply and use. Identify alternative feedstocks and reduce associated costs. Improve plant efficiency and operations. Account for carbon savings. Increase and monetize co-benefits, such as from the commercialization of digestate or the valorization of residual gas streams. Achievements and Progress: This General Assembly provided a platform for representatives from all project partners to convene, both in-person and online. Discussions revolved around the significant progress made, challenges faced, and future activities planned. Attendees engaged in fruitful conversations aimed at advancing the project’s goals and ensuring its success in contributing to the broader European sustainability agenda. Over the course of this dynamic event, we delved into critical topics, including the progress and findings from three illuminating case studies. Our discussions spotlighted the intricacies of the valorization of CO2 from biomethane streams, economic assessments, and the market uptake of our cutting-edge technologies. Additionally, we evaluated the effectiveness of our communication and dissemination activities, ensuring our message resonates with impact. The event commenced with a comprehensive presentation by Project Coordinator Alejandra Córdova (CETAQUA), providing an overview of the consortium composition, the EBIEs and three case studies (CS), the progress and status of the project regarding time passed, budget used, deliverables and milestones submitted. This presentation was followed by the participation of the External Advisory Board, who also joined the event. Gabriella Papa, Jesús Cacho, Juan Lema and Johannes Gulden briefly described their experience and expertise to all present. The following sessions were the presentations for the three CSs with Oriol Casal (CETAQUA), Pyerre-Yves Möcaer (TERRAWATT) and Andrea Munaretto (CRYO INOX), who talked about CS1, CS2 and CS3 respectively. They detailed the technologies used, the processes required, partners involved, the current construction status of the plants – including permits, plant design and actual construction, equipment procurement, purchase and installation –, successes and failures of the testing carried out and initial results. After this, Lidia Paredes and Georgina del Puerto (BETA-UVIC) took the stage to talk about the different activities carried out about the valorisation of CO2. The first half of the talk explained how they identified the current CO2 valorisation plants from pilot to market scale at EU level using literature research and surveys to partners and sibling projects. As a result of this activity, a map of current CO2 valorisation plants in Europe will be soon available in this website. The second half of the talk was dedicated to the testing carried out for the validation and demonstration of the technical feasibility to produce three compounds of interests from CO2 (biopolymers, biochemicals, alternative protein sources) and enhance the cost-effectiveness of biomethane production in the market. Jaqueline Daniel-Gromke (DBFZ) spearheaded the session focused on the economic assessment and market adoption of biomethane production technologies. She elaborated on the process of gathering essential data from each case study (CS) to facilitate the initial modelling conducted by SINTEF. Matteo Gilardi (SINTEF) then provided an overview of the results of this modelling conducted for the three EBIEs, highlighting the key assumptions that were considered. Furthermore, he delved into areas where data gaps existed, underscoring the need to address these deficiencies to enhance the accuracy and comprehensiveness of the models. Laia Mencia (INVENIAM) provided an insightful update on the progress of SEMPRE-BIO’s Communication, Dissemination, and Exploitation (C&D&E) efforts. She meticulously assessed the performance of C&D channels, highlighting successful strategies and areas for improvement and outlined a strategic roadmap for future actions. Additionally, Laia also detailed future actions for the ongoing collaboration with Biorefine Cluster Europe. The last session of the event belonged to Alejandra Córdova reviewing several aspects for the successful management of the project. This included aspects such as dates for fast and future deliverables, financial reports, project risks, relevant stakeholders for the EBIEs and most immediate actions for 2024. The General Assembly culminated with an engaging visit to the state-of-the-art infrastructure at DBFZ. Attendees were afforded a unique opportunity to delve into the heart of innovation, gaining firsthand insights into the cutting-edge laboratories and dynamic projects currently underway. The SEMPRE-BIO project remains committed to pioneering advancements in biomethane production, contributing to a greener, more sustainable future. With collaborative efforts and a shared vision among its partners, SEMPRE-BIO is poised to make lasting contributions to achieving Europe’s environmental goals. For more information about SEMPRE-BIO visit our Project Page Contact: Laia 930 181 691   Barcelona, 1st of December 2023 This project has received funding from the European Union’s HORIZON-CL5-2021-D3-03-16 program under grant agreement No 101084297. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.  Follow us Facebook Twitter Linkedin Contact us

Desafios y oportunidades en la producción y uso del biometano

Challenges and opportunities in the production and use of biomethane WEBINAR We’re thrilled to invite you to the webinar: “Challenges and Opportunities in the Production and use of Biomethane”, organized by Cetaqua. The webinar will take place November 15th, 2023 highlighting two main events: Webinar: 09:00 to 12.00 CET webinar (in-person & online), Visit to the biomethane generation plant at the Baix Llobregat WWTP 00-14.00 CET (in-person) SEMPRE BIO, a project fostering circular economy in Europe will participate as one of the speakers. Additionally, the webinar will provide insights from the biomethane industry, following the below mentioned agenda: What to Expect: 09:00h – 09:10h: Welcome 09:10h – 9:30h: Opening (Bioenergy Cluster of Catalonia) 9:30h –  10:45h: Transforming waste into energy. Success stories: Proyecto upgrading Baix Llobregat (Aigües de Barcelona) LIFE Nimbus SEMPRE-BIO La Galera ELENA/VILA-SANA BIOMETHAVERSE 10:45h – 11:00h: Coffee Break 11:00h – 11:45h: Round Table: Challenges and opportunities in the production and use of biomethane. Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona (TMB) Institut Català d’Energia (ICAEN) Naturgy Biometagás Veolia España Clúster de Bioenergia de Catalunya (CBC) 11:45h – 12:00h: Conclusions and Closing. 12:00h – 14:00h: Transport and technical visit to the LIFE Nimbus biomethane generation plant at the Baix Llobregat WWTP. This is a unique opportunity to be part of the conversation that could shape the future of energy. Don’t miss out on learning, engaging, and becoming inspired.  Mark your calendar and register here! If you register to attend online, you’ll receive an email the day before with the link to be able to access the event, so don’t forget to check your email! Let’s make a greener, cleaner more sustainable world together! This project has received funding from the European Union’s HORIZON-CL5-2021-D3-03-16 program under grant agreement No 101084297. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.  Follow us Facebook Twitter Linkedin Contact us Cookies Policy Privacy policy ©2023 Semprebio | All Rights Reserved | Powered by Scienseed

Five Main Questions on Biomethane Explained

Five Main Questions on Biomethane Explained By Inveniam Group Achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 is essential for the EU and its transition into a decarbonized economy. Becoming less dependent in external energy supplies will accelerate the reduction of GHG emissions, increase competitiveness for renewable energy markets and secure long-lasting partnerships for Europe’s energy transition. The following guide introduces biomethane and its role in achieving net zero targets. # 1 What is Biomethane? Biomethane is a gas produced from natural decomposition of organic material found on the earth’s surface. Although it is chemically identical to natural gas (CH4), biomethane is not considered to contribute to global warming when it is combusted, since the CO2 released during combustion was absorbed from the atmosphere when the organic matter grew. In other words, biomethane is considered carbon neutral. Some claim that biomethane is actually carbon negative, since capturing and combusting methane – itself a potent greenhouse gas – can reduce emissions to fight climate change. Determining the full impact of biomethane on climate ecosystems is still an ongoing task given the many factors that need to be considered, such as land use and economic practices. Yet, there is little debate that biomethane is better for the planet than natural gas. # 2 How is Biomethane Produced? Biomethane would normally be produced through natural processes and would then escape into the atmosphere. However, it is possible to both promote biomethane production during decomposition, as well as capture this gas. Biomethane plants do just this. They gather organic matter (normally called “feedstock”), create optimal conditions for decomposition and collect and purify the gas released. Key to achieving this is the anaerobic reactor, which stops air/oxygen supply, promoting the reaction that produces methane, whilst also extracting the generated biomethane. This can be achieved with a simple bucket and lid, as had been done for cooking in India for decades, or, more commonly practiced in Europe and the US today, via house sized tanks, fed with tones of organic material daily. A wide range of feedstocks can be used to produce biomethane, including crop residues, animal manure, municipal waste, and sewage sludge. Energy crops, for example maize, can also be specifically grown for biomethane production, although these practices are generally not considered sustainable or socially attractive due to land use change and the possible impacts on food prices.Inputs and outputs of the biomethane and biogas production process: Source: European Biogas Association # 3 What are the usages of Biomethane? Before understanding the usages of biomethane, it is important to understand the key step for the production of biomethane, purification. Purification is the reaction that breaks down organic matter, producing both carbon dioxide and methane simultaneously. This gas mix is called biogas. To get to biomethane, CO2 must be removed through a filtering technology, such as a membrane or scrubber. The gas that is left is typically 99.99% methane, suitable as a direct substitute for natural gas. This means biomethane can be used in a wide range of application with no need to change or modify this infrastructure. This includes gas boilers, natural gas vehicle, power stations and CHP plants. Biomethane has also received significant interest to decarbonise shipping, through LNG engines in marine transport. #4 How does Biomethane contribute to Sustainability? Reducing the dependance on non-renewables is key in combating climate change. Compared to fossil fuels, biomethane generates fewer greenhouse gas emissions and will help abate GHG emissions across the whole value chain. Yet sustainability of biomethane largely depends on the way it is produced and consumed. For example, land use is an important factor in protecting existing ecosystems and biomethane projects should always consider how feedstock is produced and managed, as this is an essential component of building conscious supply chains which align to zero emission EU targets. Biomethane is cost effective, scalable and contributes to sustainable agriculture, the creation of rural jobs and market opportunities. Biomethane also supports soil carbon and biodiversity, allowing for waste management solutions and business circularity. Companies across Europe benefit from biomethane and see an increasing potential in its use. For example, Danish company Nature Energy, focuses on local food waste and trades biomethane across Europe to both utilities and industry. In Sweden, truck and bus company Scania, has been running on alternative energies, particularly via biomethane. Their company’s goal is to have 50% of the EU heavy gas trucks powered with biomethane by 2050. #5 Why should we talk about Supply Chains and Regulation? Supply chains for biomethane need special attention as they support all the procurement, operations management process and internal negotiations. Pioneered by strategy and following the EU’s Green Deal path, supply chains for biomethane are key for an optimal and successful green transition, promoting conscious consumption and incentivizing purposeful businesses. Additionally, Europe’s regulation is looking to reach biomethane production to 35 billion cubic meters (bcm) per year by 2030, with an estimated investment of around €37 billion . EU countries are pushing towards clean energy objectives, and this has aligned to the EU Commission and its efforts to create a Biomethane Industrial Partnership. This makes policy makers, industry, and other stakeholders team up to support the achievement of biomethane production 2030 target. The aim of this blog post is to contribute to awareness in the energy industry and the efforts towards a green transition. The knowledge shared in this article is a result of the joint collaborative work between SEMPRE BIO and Inveniam team. As we move forward towards reaching the 2030 agenda net zero goals, initiatives and projects that support a decarbonized economy are essential. Additionally, promoting productive conversations and engagement around biomethane, will spark further commitment amongst industry stakeholders and drive the development of purposeful and effective projects. Sources:  Authors: Nick Chapman and María Francisca Paz y MiñoEditorial: Lucía Salinas Date: October, 2023 This project has received funding from the European Union’s HORIZON-CL5-2021-D3-03-16 program under grant agreement No 101084297. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily

CS2 – Bourges Green Waste Treatment Plan

Case Study II – Bourges Green Waste Treatment Plan TerraWatt Securing domestic production of cost-effective bio-methane (SEMPRE-BIO) is a project helping build Europe’s Green Deal and a solid circular economy. Yet, security of energy supply in Europe remains one of the most challenging tasks of the 2030 Agenda. Considering this important environmental feat, innovation technology has been presented as part of Europe’s compromise in building and achieving a de-carbonized economy. To be able to move forward with innovation technology solutions, SEMPRE-BIO, supports entities and projects that are providing environmentally friendly and interdisciplinary expert knowledge solutions. Such is the case of TerraWatt, participating in one of the three European Biomethane Innovation Ecosystem (EBIEs) projects supported by SEMPRE-BIO. TerraWatt, founded by Yann Mercier, is a French start-up based in Paris, France. The company was established in 2014, mainly focusing on sustainable solutions. Aside from the focus on sustainability, its founder, patented the transformation of organic material into methane, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide, using thermochemical and biological processes. The patent was a milestone that led to an interesting solution opportunity to take place in a nearby city of Bourges (Marmagne). Today, TerraWatt is taking the lead in building a small-scale green waste-to-biomethane plant, complementing its development via Case Study II – Bourges Green Waste Treatment Plan (CS II), which will monitor and track significant advances of the plant. Additionally, Case Study II takes a key role in the process that is being conducted regarding the production of biomethane from green waste. Case Study-II, Bourges Green Waste Treatment Plant  TerraWatt’s technology which has been patented since 2018, follows a process and pyro-methanation patent, consisting of the innovative combination of thermochemical processes as pyrolysis and biological process, which converts syngas into biogas. This is unique as it is a developing technology which has never been implemented at a pilot scale. Terrawatt’s unit takes place in Marmagne’s ecopole, which already has an AD plant, a solar panel farm and a waste treatment platform. This innovative place wants to nurture new projects and efforts that can help fight climate change. Additionally, green wastes coming from the city of Bourges, will be used as feedstocks taking part of Case Study II – Bourges Green Waste Treatment Plan, for continuous analysis and optimization of the syngas bio-methanation process. Pyro-Methanation Plant To understand the level of granularity of this process, the pyro-methanation unit consists of a high temperature pyrolysis combined with bio-reactors, converting biomass into biogas following a two-step process.  The biogas obtained by methanation, will be upgraded to biomethane through the existing AD plant facilities and injected into the gas grid. This will demonstrate the technology, becoming relevant for the environment and setting the basis for a commercial technology. CS II will also analyze the use of non-fermentable and non-recyclable waste as feedstock for biomethane production, key to Europe’s future and domestic energy supply. Understanding Terrawatt’s Process In more detailed steps, the graphic above explains TerraWatt’s process: Woody biomass is collected from the green waste of Bourges. The non-fermentable fraction is isolated and shredded. The biomass goes through a pyrolysis unit at high temperature. This thermochemical process converts any carbonaceous feedstock to synthetic gas called syngas. Syngas is composed of Hydrogen, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. Before methanation takes place, syngas needs to undergo a purification process to get rid of impurities (tars, oils). After this phase, clean syngas can then be injected into bio-methanation reactors. Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and hydrogen from syngas will be converted into methane and carbon dioxide, under the action of a bacterial consortium, resulting in biogas. To supply renewable gas, the biomethane produced will be injected into the grid.   Also, Case Study II will be involved in the consistent tracking and reporting about this breakthrough technology, producing biomethane from a non-fermentable feedstock. This will showcase an example of greenfield installation, where the input is a woody biomass and not a fermentable biomass, which is the common approach for biogas production (AD Plant). Moreover, pyrogasification is part of a competitive field for both local and regional market, with both catalytic and biological methanation. Additionally, TerraWat is working in collaboration with the Technical University of Denmark – DTU, which are prominent in developing reactors. TerraWatt’s is focused on defeating climate change by producing renewable energy through this process mentioned above. Also, pyrolysis of biomass produces a solid phase, rich of carbon, known as biochar, which can be used as bio soil amendment, participating in carbon capture mitigation. Next Steps: Upon the commission of energy valorisation module, TerraWatt plans to sell biogas/biomethane and have diversified units in different sectors. For a long-term vision, TerraWatt includes diversifying the processes of feedstocks, to increase the level of waste valorisation and have a wider impact on climate change mitigation actions. An innovative potential remains in coupling TerraWatt’s process to AD plant to increase biogas production yield and maximize wastes valorisation (fermentable and non-fermentable wastes). TerraWatt is bringing in all its team knowledge and technical capacities to the forefront, hand in hand with SEMPRE-BIO, advancing together towards a greener and more sustainable future.     Authors: Marie André, Pierre-Yves Mocaër, Editorial: María Francisca Paz y Miño Date: September, 2023 This project has received funding from the European Union’s HORIZON-CL5-2021-D3-03-16 program under grant agreement No 101084297. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.  Follow us Facebook Twitter Linkedin Contact us Cookies Policy Privacy policy ©2023 Semprebio | All Rights Reserved | Powered by Scienseed

European Biomethane Potential and Future Projections

European Biomethane Potential and Future Projections By Julia Gómez In our previous posts, we emphasized the crucial role of biomethane in achieving the European Union’s (EU) ambitious goals of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2030 and achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. Renewable gas meets environmental targets and enhances energy security by reducing dependence on Russian natural gas imports, while simultaneously alleviating the burden of energy costs on households and companies. Recognizing these significant benefits, the European Commission has set forth an ambitious target of reaching 35 billion cubic meters (bcm) of annual biomethane production by 2030, with a long-term vision of 95 bcm by 2050, as outlined in the REPowerEU plan1 According to Gas for Climate, the availability of sustainable feedstocks within the EU-27 is more than sufficient to support up to 41 bcm of biomethane production by 2030 and an impressive 151 bcm by 2050. This is particularly noteworthy considering that natural gas consumption in 2020 reached 400 bcm, with 155 bcm imported from Russia2 . (Figure above). By tapping into these ample resources, Europe can significantly enhance its energy independence and reduce reliance on external sources.   Over the past decade, biomethane production has experienced remarkable growth, with a nearly 30% increase in the number of biomethane plants compared to the previous edition of the European Biogas Association (EBA) and Gas Infrastructure Europe (GIE) map. This increase is reflected in the addition of 299 new biomethane plants across Europe, contributing to the current production volume of over 3.5 bcm3 Notably, more than 75% of these plants are already integrated into transport or distribution grids. Furthermore, there is a noticeable trend towards the utilization of agricultural residues, organic municipal solid waste, and sewage sludge as raw materials, reflecting a growing on sustainable and circular resource utilization. These last two feedstocks are specifically employed in Case Study II and Case Study I of the SEMPRE-BIO project, while Case Study III will use manure. Therefore, aligned with the EU’s renewed commitment to accelerating biomethane production and advancements in technology, SEMPRE-BIO is poised to actively participate in this unprecedented growth. By capitalizing on emerging technological pathways and leveraging strategic investments, SEMPRE-BIO aims to unlock the full potential of biomethane production, contributing to the realization of Europe’s energy security and climate change mitigation objectives. In parallel, following the REPowerEU target of 35 bcm of green biomethane production by 2030, the EBA estimates that an investment effort of €83 billion will be required, considering factors such as the location and type of sustainable feedstock. Additionally, scaling up to 35 bcm necessitates the mobilization of sustainable biomass feedstock, primarily waste and residues, and the construction of several new biomethane plants, depending on their size. In light of these demands, the EBA has committed to investing €18 billion in biomethane production, thereby supporting the EU’s pursuit of energy security and climate climate change mitigation4. This substantial investment will unlock new market opportunities, foster technological innovation, and drive the transition to a sustainable and secure energy future for Europe. Authors: Júlia GómezEditorial: Lucía Salinas  Date: August, 2023 This project has received funding from the European Union’s HORIZON-CL5-2021-D3-03-16 program under grant agreement No 101084297. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.  Follow us Facebook Twitter Linkedin Contact us Cookies Policy Privacy policy ©2023 Semprebio | All Rights Reserved | Powered by Scienseed

The Future of Biomethane: Innovations and Trends

The Future of Biomethane: Innovations and Trends By Nick Chapman In our last post, The potential of Biomethane in Europe, we introduced some of the fundamentals of biomethane and the current state-of-play for the sector in Europe. In this latest addition, we look ahead to the future of biomethane to explore where we think the sector might be heading over the next decade. Let us start by giving an introduction of where we are today and the story of how we got here. Before biomethane, there was biogas, a mixture of carbon-dioxide and methane produced naturally as organic material decomposes in anaerobic conditions (without oxygen). Research provides evidence that humans discovered biogas for heating and cooking, far back as 900BC [1].  But it was not until the 20th century that biogas started to become industrialized often pushed by short-term energy crises, such as the case of Germany during World War II [2].  Although biogas was known as a source of energy in Europe, it was mostly considered a by-product of wastewater treatment until the turn of the 21st century, when biogas began receiving significant attention as a potential source of clean energy to address climate change. With the support of policies like Feed-In-Tariff (FIT) programs and clean fuel initiatives, biogas has grown rapidly in Europe. As a result, today there are around 20,000 biogas plants operating, producing around 165TWh (15.5 bcm) of energy [3].  Over the past decade, there has been a transition from using biogas to biomethane. To provide further context, previously biogas was burnt on-site to produce electricity and/or heat, yet today, most new biogas projects are choosing to upgrade to biomethane by removing the carbon-dioxide from biogas. Unlike biogas, biomethane can be used as a direct substitute for natural gas, enabling it to be injected into the natural gas grids or used directly in natural gas vehicles and equipment. This means that biomethane can be used to substitute natural gas in sectors that cannot be easily electrified, such as shipping, heavy goods vehicle (HGV transport)and heavy industry. Today there are 1,322 biomethane plants operating in Europe, producing around 37 TWh (3.5 bcm) per year of energy, approximately 1% of natural gas consumption [3].  Figure 1. European Biogas Association stats on biogas and biomethane production. With the invasion of Ukraine in 2022, increasing production of biomethane has become a strategic priority in Europe to reduce dependency on imported natural gas from Russia. The ambitious target of 17 bcm per year by 2030 (Fit for 55) is to be practically doubled to 35bcm in the new REPowerEU policy. Achieving this goal has raised concerns from environmental campaigners over potentially land-use change in order to produce biomass feedstock required for the transition with particular concern over the re-emergence of energy crops such as maize which both compete with food production and have indirect environmental impacts. An estimated 5% of agricultural land would need to be set aside for energy crop production if this route were taken. It is therefore critical to accelerate biomethane production whilst avoiding collateral damage to nature and food systems. To achieve this multi-objective goal, the biomethane sector will need to evolve. Below, we list three major opportunities for the future of biomethane, all of which are supported through case studies via the SEMPRE-BIO project: Case Study I: Exploiting green hydrogen: Although hydrogen has received significant attention and investment over the past 5 years, it still faces major problems to establishing supply chains. Difficulties remain in storing and transporting hydrogen, along with a lack of existing infrastructure and users, representing a major bottle neck to the industry. Converting green hydrogen into biomethane (aka. e-methane) via methanation reactions could be a promising option for unlocking the green hydrogen economy. Further, co-locating such projects with existing biomethane plants, which produce biogenic CO2 from the upgrading unit, represent a strong synergy. SEMPRE-BIO will test this approach at a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) operated by CETAQUA in Spain, which will integrate a novel stack concept based on hydraulic cell compression for the realization of a proton exchange membrane electrolysis (PEMEL) stack developed by PROPULS.   Case Study II – Exploiting new waste-based feedstocks: Until now, biomethane has only been produced from fermentable biomass, such as energy crops (e.g. maize), manure, sewage and organic municipal waste. However, this only represents about 35% of all biomass waste [4], with the majority made up from high lignocellulosic biomasses such as wood, straw and green waste. Developing new technologies to exploit these feedstocks will be critical to accelerate biomethane production while keeping the pressure off farmlands. In SEMPRE-BIO, a pathway based on biomass pyrolysis and methanation will be developed and tested by TerraWatt to hopefully unlock an efficient and profitable pathway for exploiting green waste. Currently, most biomethane policies in the EU do not recognise this pathway, so the project will also work to inform policy to remove these barriers. According to a feasibility study on the RePowerEU biomethane target, gasification based biomethane like this will need to play an increasingly important role, of 3bcn per year by 2030 (3% of total) raising to 60bcn by 2050 (40% of total) [5].   Case Study III – Repowering old biogas plants: Many biogas plants from the early 2000s are meeting the end of their regulatory lifetime and will be unable to be profitable at an operative level.. To stop these assets falling into disuse, new policies, business models and technologies will be required to take advantage of existing infrastructure and re-purpose it for biomethane production. Many of these projects are smaller in scale and not near the natural gas network. Therefore, developing technologies to economically purify and transport biomethane at a small scale is required. CRYOinox will be doing just this in the SEMPRE-BIO project, via a novel micro cryogenic purification and liquification technology.   Over the next decades, biomethane will play an increasingly important role in the energy ecosystem Spain alone has identified 2,300 plant opportunities worth around 40 bn€ of investment (Expansion newspaper, June 2023). The success of this effort, the shape it takes and its overall

The potential of Biomethane in Europe

The potential of Biomethane in europe SEMPRE-BIO The production and deployment of biomethane offers significant GHG savings with furthermore positive impacts on rural employment. GHG emissions reduction potential of biomethane is large. Biomethane typically achieves over 80% emission reduction when it replaces fossil fuels and some pathways even achieve up to 200% (through preventing methane emissions from waste). The GHG performance of biomethane may be impacted by leakage of methane across the production process. An analysis by the European Biogas Association indicates that the overall impact of fugitive methane emissions of the European biogas sector is relatively modest and would represent between 0.75% and 3.7% of the total methane emissions, assuming a value of 1% to 5% methane leakage respectively. If the avoided emissions from using manure in anaerobic digestion are also considered, then overall the GHG savings of anaerobic digestion deployment in Europe are significant. Biomethane is a renewable gas that is produced from organic matter, such as agricultural waste,food waste, sewage, and landfill gas, through a process called anaerobic digestion. Anaerobic digestion is a natural biological process that occurs in the absence of oxygen, where microorganisms break down organic matter and produce biogas as a byproduct. Biomethane can be used as a direct substitute for natural gas in various applications, including heating, electricity generation, and as a fuel for vehicles. It is considered a renewable energy source because it is derived from organic waste materials that would otherwise decompose and release methane into the atmosphere, a potent greenhouse gas. By capturing and utilizing biomethane, we can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and utilize organic waste in an environmentally friendly manner. Furthermore, biomethane can be injected into the natural gas grid, allowing it to be distributed and used in existing infrastructure, such as homes, businesses, and industrial facilities. It offers a renewable and sustainable alternative to fossil fuels, contributing to a more sustainable and low-carbon energy system Below are some key points to know about biomethane: Biomethane is a renewable energy source produced from organic waste materials, such as agricultural residues, food waste, and sewage sludge. Biomethane can be used as a direct substitute for natural gas in heating systems, electricity generation, and transportation, reducing the reliance on fossil fuels. In addition, when biomethane replaces natural gas, it avoids the extraction and transportation of fossil fuels, which results in additional GHG emissions. By displacing fossil fuels, biomethane can contribute to achieving national and international GHG reduction targets and commitments, helping to mitigate climate change. A recent map [link] in May 2023 by Gas Infrastructure Europe (GIE) shows that Biomethane production has grown significantly over the last decade, with a nearly 30% increase in the number of biomethane plants since last year. The countries with the strongest growth in their biomethane production in 2021 were France (+ 2,130 GWh), Denmark (+ 1,642 GWh) and Germany (+ 1,553 GWh). This is a significant signal for the industry’s efforts to scale up production and push for greater acceleration in order to meet the 35 bcm objective specified by the European Commission in the REPowerEU plan by 2030. This project has received funding from the European Union’s HORIZON-CL5-2021-D3-03-16 program under grant agreement No 101084297. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.  Follow us Facebook Twitter Linkedin Contact us Cookies Policy Privacy policy ©2023 Semprebio | All Rights Reserved | Powered by Scienseed

SEMPRE BIO KickOff Meeting

SEMPRE BIO KickOff Meeting New cost-effective ways to produce biomethane SEMPRE-BIO consortium representatives The European SEMPRE-BIO project will demonstrate new cost-effective ways to produce biomethane The SEMPRE-BIO project, co-funded by the European Commission’s Horizon Europe program, will test new cost-effective biomethane production solutions that facilitate compliance with the European Green Deal. Cetaqua, water technology center, leads this initiative, in which Aigües de Barcelona, the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona and thirteen other partners from six different European countries also participate. Barcelona, November 24, 2022 – The drastic rise in global temperatures must be tackled imminently to avoid fatal consequences for ecosystems and humanity. To achieve this goal, the European Union has set out to reduce net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030 and to become a climate-neutral continent by 2050. In this context, Europe must reduce its dependence on fossil fuel imports and biomethane will play a crucial role in achieving this. However, this sustainable fuel has certain limitations, such as its high production cost, the viability of small farms, or the difficulty of treating non-fermentable waste. To address this situation, the European research project SEMPRE-BIO, led by Cetaqua,  water technology center, has recently been launched to demonstrate new cost-effective biomethane production solutions. This initiative will seek to reduce the investment and operating costs of biomethane production plants and extend the biomethane production potential through new waste valorization routes. Likewise, SEMPRE-BIO will also propose alternative monetization sources, such as the valorization of biogenic CO2 or the commercialization of biochar. The implementation of the solutions proposed in the project is expected to promote circular economy projects at the local level and reduce dependence on imports of natural gas and liquefied natural gas (LNG). On a large scale, SEMPRE-BIO aims to promote the use of biomethane as a substitute for fossil fuels used in transportation and the natural gas grid, with an estimated reduction in CO2 emissions of 213 million tons per year by 2050. Three innovation ecosystems to test biomethane production technologies in Europe To achieve its objective, SEMPRE-BIO will create three innovation ecosystems in which, through co-creation processes, specific solutions will be proposed for each of the scenarios, representatives of the different situations existing in Europe regarding biomethane production. In particular, five innovative technologies will be tested, which will contribute to diversifying the conversion technology base for biomethane production, and their replication in other plants will be encouraged. On the other hand, a comprehensive technological and economic assessment will be carried out to show the benefits of these solutions compared to fossil gas and conventional biogas upgrading technologies, overcoming existing barriers to their mass adoption. Such assessment will mainly focus on aspects related to the improvement of biomethane production efficiency and cost reduction, but will also have a strong focus on the minimization of greenhouse gas emissions, aiming at increasing sustainability and fostering circular economy models. SEMPRE-BIO will be tested in three plants throughout Europe. In Spain, the Baix Llobregat ecofactory, managed by Aigües de Barcelona, will be the site where biomethane production technologies that will allow the valorization of currently untapped biogas streams will be demonstrated. The biogas will be converted into compressed natural gas (CNG) through a power-to-gas hydrogen methanation process, for use in Barcelona’s public transport. The Bourges green waste treatment plant in France will produce biomethane from non-digestible urban green waste for injection into the grid. Finally, in Adinkerke, Belgium, De Zwaenepoel, a farm with no connection to the natural gas grid and low biogas production, will be the scenario where SEMPRE-BIO will demonstrate solutions for biogas purification and production of liquid biomethane, a renewable fuel ideal for heavy transport, such as trucks or ships. The biomethane generated here will be stored locally in liquefied form and distributed by road transport, while the CO2 will be commercialized and its conversion to polymers and proteins will be studied. A consortium formed by 16 entities with experience in the field of research and technological development in Europe This initiative is part of the Horizon Europe funding program of the European Commission. Under the leadership of Cetaqua, Centro Tecnológico del Agua, the SEMPRE-BIO project consortium is formed by the Spanish companies Aigües de Barcelona, Naturgy, Cryo Inox and Inveniam, Propuls from Germany, TerraWatt from France, Innolab and NV De Zwanebloem from Belgium; the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona as a public entity; the research centers DBFZ from Germany, SINTEF from Norway, and Biogas-E, from Belgium. From academia, the Technical University of Denmark, Ghent University in Belgium, and the BETA Technological Center of the UVic-UCC in Spain will participate. Social networks Twitter: @CETAQUA LinkedIn: @CETAQUA Contact: David Pacheco, Project Communications Manager at Cetaqua | +34 673 414 909 Cetaqua BarcelonaCrta. Esplugues, 7508940 Cornellà de This project has received funding from the European Union’s HORIZON-CL5-2021-D3-03-16 program under grant agreement No 101084297. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.  Follow us Facebook Twitter Linkedin Contact us Cookies Policy Privacy policy ©2023 Semprebio | All Rights Reserved | Powered by Scienseed

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